Reactorium Reviews would like to salute two musical astronauts Jari
Lindholm and Sébastien
Pierre from the band Enshine that agreed to take
part in a short interview. For the past two years following the
debut album "Origin" Jari and Seb were busy writing new material and now they are
about to release their second album entitled "Singularity" via Rain Without End Records on October 18th.
1. Tell us what is the theme of the
upcoming album? Is it a concept album? Was the title
inspired by the motion picture "Interstellar"?
Jari : It is not a concept album in the
way that the songs are united under a single theme, but all the songs are still
individual. We do implement a little bit of concept thinking in terms of tying
the albums together though, as Origin being the beginning and the Singularity
is the “becoming” or the continued development of the entity the first one gave
birth to.
Seb : Interstellar was inspired by us.
More seriously, we just wanted indeed to find a link between Origin and the
future album(s). Like a neverending story with different chapters. The concept
of the lyrics are hidden everytime as usual by metaphores, but deal with really
precise scenarios. Resurgence for exemple is about a creature (could be human)
who wakes up amongst many other species, in sort of cryotubes.He is the only
one freed from his stasis, and explores the corridors of a huge spacecraft. He
manages to use some HUD to find that an advanced alien race once abducted parts
of various civilisations for obscure reasons, analyzing their dreams in this
artificial coma state. Before taking control of the kind of abandoned space
cargo, for unknown destination.
2. What do you do besides music?
Can you name any hobbies? Who is behind creating the
artwork for your albums?
Seb : My job is graphic designer. I made
the visuals and videos for Enshine. I’m interested by science in general, and
have the luck to work with scientists, enhancing my knowledge, and it has an
impact on my inspiration.
Jari : I have a couple of different part
time jobs dealing with various types of sales and services. I also run a small
studio so sometimes I get recording or mixing work to do there, but currently I
try to focus the time I have available for music on my own projects, they take
up a lot of time anyway. Besides that I like watching documentaries, and doing
some occasional woodwork also.
3. Do you plan on playing live in the
future or do you want to keep Enshine as a studio
Jari : There are currently no concrete
plans on how to accomplish that, for obvious reasons. We live too far apart to
rehearse on any regular basis, we record the albums with the help of session
musicians and I feel that there are very few people in my city who actually
play this style of music, so putting together a live line-up might end up with
everyone involved having to travel long distances to rehearse if we eventually
find them. But I hope that we will be able to put together at least a few shows
somewhere in the future!
4. What inspires you two upon creating
Jari : Life in general, the fluctuation
between positive and negative feelings, I try to catch whatever I feel at the
moment, be it euphora or despair, or anything in between.
Seb : One of the deepest feelings I can
have, is everytime I try to apprehend the vastness of our ever-growing
universe. Try to visualize it as an expanding sphere. Now try to conceptualize
what is outside of it, devoid of space and time itself. And apply it to the
infinity of our other dimensions. You end up thinking that everything is
possible. Life and its absence are all part of a scheme still mysterious to us.
What I try to reproduce in the lyrics and music in general is this fascination
induced by our environment, perceived as so predictable, while the more we
analyze its laws, the more we see how lost we are… Mankind is on the verge to
renew (link between general relativity and quantum physics?) its science, and
conflicts arise everywhere on Earth. All this is inspiring.
5. Would there be any new exclusive
merchandise available for purchase when the new album
Jari : We are working on some t-shirt
ideas and maybe something more but that will be a surprise if so!
6. Which is your personal-favorite
Enshine track of all time, including your new record?
Seb : I think my favorite so far could
be Adrift, for it showed us we could achieve interesting clean vocals duet
ideas for the band.
Jari : I think it really depends on my mood, since the mood of the songs are all different. But I think the ones I have listened to the most are Dual Existence and Adrift. Apex also has a pretty special meaning for me, personally.
7. Why don't you release instrumental
versions of your albums? It's not that your vox are
boring, yet instrumental versions always have a
special flavor about them. You could sell these tracks
as "special
editions" of your albums the way
Dream Theater does.
Jari : Yes, we talk and hang out occasionally! We like to discuss music still but haven´t really talked about any future collaborations as such.
Seb : We are no longer in contact somehow, for no particular reason. But it would be exciting and challenging to work together some day.
9. What kind of equipment do you use
when creating pre-production versions? How do you
record clean vocals like such as in the track
Jari : Pre-production versions can be
recorded with fairly simple tools. Usually we just program some rough drums in
Cubase, add some guitars which are usually direct recorded with something like
Axe FX 2 or Vox Amplug. But really it´s nothing more than a PC, soundcard, and
some kind of guitar processor. The Amplug Lead actually ended up being used for
the final versions of many leads etc. although the rhythm guitars are then
miced up traditionally.
There wasn´t really anything unusual
about recording the Cinders vocals besides that I had the mic more off axis and
further away than usual. I guess the “sound” is created by layering /
harmonizing and panning along with some long ambient tape echo and reverb
10. In every art one has tendency to
reach a certain creativity plateau after which
everything becomes
uninspired. What are the things that
keep you afloat and drive your motivation to write and
Jari : It comes and goes of course. But
for me it helps a bit having different types of music to work with in different
projects. When I have used up my inspiration for one of them I can perhaps come
back to another one and find something new.
Seb : Drugs. Joke apart, the answer I
think is to get enough distance with what you achieved and what you plan to
achieve then. Definitely, having several different projects help keep this
distance and avoids feeling stuck. This is why Jari and me started a R’n’B
album. Or not.
11. Could you tell us, please, what to
expect from Enshine and Cold Insight music in the
future? What kind of innovation are you going to
implement? Tell us about your future plans in general.
Jari : I think nobody knows until we actually sit down and start writing material for the next one! The overall plan I believe, is simply to try to keep making the best and most immersive music we can.
Seb : For Enshine we will simply let the right moment lead us when we will meet again for it. For Cold Insight, I don’t have clear view for the (already started) second album but it shall be a continuity with Further Nowhere, with overall more various guitar sounds, and more immersive ambiences, and the use of SFX, making it sometimes like soundtracks. A hybrid album mixing metal, trance, AOR, and soundtracks, in a state of equilibrium.
12. Would you like to say anything to
wrap up this interview? Any wishes or some regards
to your
Eastern-European fans?
Jari: Thank you all very much for the
support and the interest!
Seb: Russia seems to have a lot of
loyal and devoted fans, and it really pleases us. Expect a journey as you never
had with Singularity.
Big thanks to the members of the VK Enshine community who helped us compiling some questions that were used in the final interview. To follow us on vk, please go to:
Some useful links:
To preorder your copy of the new album "Singularity":
Listen to the new single "Adrift":
Listen to the new single "Adrift":
Listen to the album preview:
Muito bom. Um grande abraço do Brasil. (Conheci vocês ouvindo a fantástica canção "Stream Of Light").